If you are interested in helping make the Henry Jenkins into a great Community Pub, then please consider supporting us in one or more of the following ways.

  1. Contact HJCP for news and further information by email: or by phone/text on 07860 396170

  2. Object to the current Planning Application, which has only been lodged to further restrict the possibility of the Henry Jenkins ever returning as a community pub.

  3. Do consider pledging to purchase community shares and becoming a member of our Community Benefit Society (CBS) Each share is priced at £250 with a minimum of one, maximum of 120. Owning shares gives you a single vote in the running of the company. You can then attend company meetings and have an equal say on the running of your own pub. Details on how to join elsewhere on this website.

  4. We are urgently seeking to strengthen our governing committee. The award of the COF Grant and the immediacy of our vital discussions with NYC really require some strength in depth for us to move forward. If you are already a member, have professional and/or artistic skills and would like to be more actively involved, especially if you have a passion for our magnificent AONB and, most particularly, the 3 lovely villages within our parish, please contact us on

  5. If you do not want to join up as a member but would like to donate a small amount towards our ‘Fighting Fund’ for our campaign to continue, please contact us by email on, with “HJFF” in the title box, where full details will be given.

  6. Join up as a ‘Henry Volunteer’.
    We need as much help as we can get from our local community. This may entail delivering leaflets or becoming part of a ’flash-mob’ at events to promote our campaign.
    Later, once we own the pub, there will be a vast array of ‘casual’ tasks to be undertaken; from clearing the jungle in the carpark, to painting the exterior of the building. Practical skills, such as Joinery, Decorating and Building will be highly valued!!If you’d like further info on how to register, please email us on with HJ-HV in the title box.

  7. Support us in our general campaign to change Governmental Legislation and Local Authority Rules to provide more protections for threatened social facilities and additional powers for community groups to purchase and save their pubs, village halls and community centres for their villages and towns throughout the country.

    This entails close co-operation with organisations such as the Plunkett Foundation, the Campaign for Pubs & Protect Pubs – all of whom are fighting on behalf of local communities to avoid the gradual degradation of their social assets.

    The aim is to achieve a situation, similar to the existing one in Scotland, where communities have a ‘Right to Buy’ when an asset is bought by a developer who just wants to maximise personal profit by demolishing it, with no regard to the wishes of local people. In this example, a local group who had the will and resources to buy it would be entitled to do so by means of a deal brokered by the Local Authority, Owner and Community Group.

    This would require a drastic overhaul of the rules which govern the Asset of Community Value rules (which are administered by Local Authorities) and the Localism Act (established by HM Government.)

    So, it could be a long and tortuous process but groups of MPs and Lords/Ladies are already ‘signed-up’ and working towards this on our behalf and all the previously-mentioned support organisations are pressing for more influencers to join us. We will succeed!

This ‘Help Us’ list will be regularly monitored and updated, so please ‘watch this space’!