Here is a timeline of events relating to the Henry Jenkins Pub.
This is not a very detailed history. There are many gaps in the timeline. If you have any knowledge of events or people which might enable us to fill in these gaps, please contribute these to our society to be integrated into this timeline. Please contact
2023 October 9
Report of the 2023 Annual General Meeting for the Henry Jenkins Community Pub
A report from the important HJCP AGM. Discussed was; The LevellingUp grant of £330,000, Quiet year with little financial activity and most activity countering planning applications, Guest speaker was Carol Wilkinson, from the Travellers Rest pub, Skeeby discussing finally purchasing their Pub after initiating the Compulsory Purchase Order process, Inspirational speeches from Jane Aksut & Richard Hughes, Committee resigns and election of a new committee.
Click here to read the full report
2023 – September 29
AWARD! HJCP awarded £330,000 from the Levelling Up Fund for purchase and Refurb of The Henry Jenkins
2023 – August 22
Sixth Planning Application – Conversion of outbuilding to holiday cottage
A new planning application for the Henry Jenkins Inn has been made by Justin Claybourn for conversion of outbuildings to form a holiday cottage.
Ref. No: ZC23/03121/FUL | Conversion of vacant/redundant outbuildings to form 1no. holiday cottage including external alterations.
Application Received: Tue 22 Aug 2023 | Validated: Mon 18 Sep 2023 |
The planning application can be viewed here on the NYC website
To make it easier we have assembled the documents on this website. Click through to Planning application – Convert outbuildings to form holiday cottages
2023 – February 9
David Fielder Appeal Dismissed by David Wyborn Planning Inspectorate
2023 – January 11
David Fielder Appeal against refusal of his 1st Planning Application on Wester Part submitted
2021 October 25
Fifth Planning Application – Conversion of Henry Jenkins Pub to a house and flat
Ref. No: 21/04657/FUL | Conversion of former Henry Jenkins public house with flat above to dwelling.
Application Received: Mon 25 Oct 2021 | Validated: Mon 13 Dec 2021 |
The planning application can be viewed here on the NYC website
2020 – December 18
Justin Claybourn wins Appeal against Planning refusal!
The appeal lodged by Justin Claybourn against refusal of his planning application for change-of-use of the so-called eastern Annexe of the Henry Jenkins site was allowed by Planning Inspector Helen Hockenhull on the 18th December 2020. The Hearing was held in virtual sessions on 10th & 11th November and overturned a decision by Harrogate Borough Council Planning Officers who had turned down the original Planning Application.
Justin Claybourn now has permission to develop a part of the Henry Jenkins into a dwelling. This part consists of the eastern half of the ground and first floor of the main building and most of the carpark. Mr David Fielder retains a ransom strip across the carpark access from the Main Street and a 4 foot strip of land, west to east, alongside the entire rear wall of the carpark.
In her judgement, the Planning Inspector stated:
” I accept that the loss of the annex would be a disappointment to the HJCP and may mean that their proposals would need to be modified. However, given the above, I am not persuaded that the loss of the annex, would make the remaining pub unviable for an alternative community use.
The scheme would therefore not result in the unnecessary loss of a community facility reducing the community’s ability to meet its day to day needs. It would comply with Policy HP8 of the Harrogate District Local Plan 2014-2035.’
Subsequently, a spokesman for the HJCP stated: “We feel that the Inspector has made a dreadful mistake in coming to her decision. Every application which is granted on the site makes it more difficult and more unlikely for a valuable social asset – in this case the Henry Jenkins pub which has served this community well for over 200 years – to be re-established .
It is our contention that all applications are designed solely to allow the owners to move towards a complete demolition of the existing buildings and allow them to develop the site residentially. Time will make its own judgement.”
2020 – October 23
Date of Appeal Hearing released
Justin Claybourns Appeal against the refusal of his Planning Application for change of use on the so-called Eastern Annexe has been confirmed. It will be a Virtual Event, case reference: APP/E2734/W/19/3240780, held on the 10th & 11th November. The name of the Planning Inspector will be release at a later date.
2020 October 8
HJCP Associate Membership launched!
2020 July 6
18 month ‘Protected Period’ ends
2020 March 3
BID! 5th Bid, of £201,000 made to David David Fielder by Will Parry, HJ CP Land Agent
2020 February 4
Justin Claybourn lodges appeal against Refusal of his Planning Application.
2019 November 30
Thermometer placed on Website to monitor Share Issue Value
2019 October 23
BID! 5th Bid, of £201,000 made to David David Fielder by Will Parry, HJ CP Land Agent
2019 October 23m
BID! 4th Bid, of £180,000.00, made to David Fielder & Justin Claybourn by Dave Hollings from CSM Co-op
2019 October 20
Revised Business Plan issued
2019 September 16
Whole Plot’ vote carried unanimously
2019 August 31
Vote for ‘Whole-Plot’ purchase circulated to membership
2019 – August 30
ACV Re-application for Annex rejected by Council
After the ACV was dropped from the Henry JEnkins following the sale of the car park and east portion of the building, by law, the ACV was not applicable and another had to be applied for. This was rejected by the Council. Now the original Henry Jenkins retains its ACV and the car part portion does not. A strange decision by the Council given it has consistently rejected planning applications for both portions of the site saying they are community assets.
2019 July 3
BID! Bid of £38,000.00 for purchase of the Eastern Annexe made to Justin Claybourn
2019 June 27
HJCP Ltd reapply apply for ACV on the Eastern Annexe
2019 June 17
2nd Public Meeting with David Fielder & Justin Claybourn in attendance – both parts of HJ announced for sale!
2019 June 3
HJCP 1st Public Meeting at Mechanics Institute
2019 June 1
Community Share Offer finalised (H)
2019 May 14
VALUATION By MJD Hiughes, RICS Qualified Surveyor for Western Part of £100,000.00
2019 May 9
Justin Claybourns 2nd Planning Application on the Eastern Annexe – REFUSED!! Taken to Appeal
2019 April 19
Preiminary Refurbishment report and Costs Estimate obtained
2019 April 9
Just Funding Fighting Fund’ set up
2019 April 4
Preiminary Refurbishment report and Costs Estimate obtained
2019 February 14
HJCP Ltd Incorporated with the Financial Conduct Authority
2019 January 7
David Fielder informs HBC of his intention to sell the Western Part of the HJ
2019 January 4
ACV ‘Protected Period’ for HJ expires
2018 October 17
HBC legal, Mark Codman, forwards report with decision to refuse the ACV
2018 October 5
HBC refuse re-instatement of ACV on the Eastern Annexe
2018 August 31
HBC sent letter from HJCC lawyersby LCF – giving reasons why removal of ACV is unlawful
2018 August 15
HJCC apply to have the ACV re-instated on the ‘Eastern Annexe’
2018 August 6
Fourth Planning Application – Conversion of the Henry Jenkins Pub to one house (resubmission)
Ref. No: 18/03230/FUL | Conversion of part of a public house and flat to create 1 no. dwelling. (resubmission)
Application Received: Mon 06 Aug 2018 | Validated: Mon 06 Aug 2018 |
The planning application can be viewed here on the NYC website
2018 June 12
Justin Claybourns 1st Planning Application – Refused
2018 – May
Date for Objections to the latest planning application
Closing date for objections to the March 2018 planning application is 18th May.
You can register and make your appeal on the Council site –
We also have a page to help you with objecting – Objecting to the April 2018 planning application
2018 – May
Local residents survey regarding the future of the HEnry Jenkins available
HJCC submit interim results of Opinion Survey for verification by KM PC.
This shows that 78% of respondents support HJCC’s plans for community buyout and regeneration of HJ as traditional bar and cafe/ bistro with b&b.
To this date, pledges have been made to buy community shares to the value of £103, 600. This is in addition to £180,000 placed in HJCC’s account by supporters to fund the purchase.
2018 April 18
Justin Claybourns 1st Planning Application on the Eastern Annexe validated by HBC
2018 April 17
SALE! David Fielder sells “Eastern Annexe’ to Justin Claybourn for £38K!
2018 March 14
Third Planning Application – Conversion of the Henry Jenkins Pub to one house
Ref. No: 18/01087/FUL | Conversion of part of a public house and flat to create 1 no. dwelling.
Application Received: Wed 14 Mar 2018 | Validated: Wed 18 Apr 2018 |
The planning application can be viewed here on the NYC website
2018 February 22
David Fielders Appeal dismissed by John Morrison Planning Inspectorate!
2018 – February
HBC reinstate ACV on Western Part but refuse to do so on the Eastern Annexe.
2018 – February
ACV on the Whole Site collapses because of ‘relevant disposal’ of the Eastern Annexe
2018 – February
Appeal against the planning refusal dismissed by Planning Inspectorate
On 22 February, John Morrison, from the Planning Inspectorate in Bristol, made the decision to dismiss the appeal made by David Fielder and uphold the Councils original ruling to unanimously reject an application to develop the Henry Jenkins.
You can view the details of the appeal and download the appeal results report –
2018 January 31
David Fielder Appeals against HBC Planning Refusal
2018 January 4
Full Moratorium period ends
?2017 December 18
BID! HJCC submits 2nd bid of £180k for purchase of HJ
2017 – December
HJCC makes a formal offer to buy the Henry Jenkins Pub
The HJCC makes a fully-funded offer to buy the pub for £180,000, its full market value, as determined by professional valuation report. This offer was declined by the owner.
2017 November 25
VALUATION! By MJD Hughes, RICS Qualified Surveyor of £180,000.00 for Whole Site
2017 – October
Pub owner submits and appeal against planning application refusal
On 20th October the owner of the Henry Jenkins, David Fielder, submits an appeal against the HBC planning decision to reject the application to demolish the Henry Jenkins and build 4 houses.
2017 – October
Plunkett Foundation gives support
Henry Jenkins Community Co-op approved for “fully funded support” by the Plunkett Foundation which supports community projects, including buy-outs of pubs) in the UK.
2017 – October
Owner of the Henry Jenkins requests an internal review of the ACV decision by the Harrogate Borough Council
A HBC internal review of the ACV decision was requested by the owner, David Fielder.
The decision to list the pub was upheld and the ACV remained.
2017 September 27
David Fielder demands £450,000 for the HJ
2017 September 26
HBC review upholds ACV decsion
2017 July 5
David Fielder tells HBC he intends to dispose of site – triggers Moratorium period
2017 June 29
ACV nomination approved by HBC. Review requested by David Fielder
2017 – June
The Henry Jenkins listed as an ACV by Harrogate Borough council
The Henry Jenkins Pub was listed as an “Asset of Community Value”. This meant that the Pub had first to be offered to the community for a sale before being offered to the general public.
2017 May 5
‘Save the Henry Jenkins’ resubmits the ACV application toi HBC
2017 April 23
BID! Henry Jenkins Community Co-op (HJCC) submits 1st Bid for of £180k to purchase the HJ
22017 March 14
Second Planning Application – Change of use of the Henry Jenkins as an estate agency
Ref. No: 17/01155/NPU | Notification of permitted use for pub (use class A4) to form estate agents office (Use class A2).
Application Received: Tue 14 Mar 2017 | Validated: Tue 14 Mar 2017 |
The planning application can be viewed here on the NYC website
We have downloaded the main documents for the application and you can see on our Second planning application – April 2018 page.
2017 March 1
David Fielder ‘s 1st Planning Application refused
2017 – March
Henry Jenkins rebranded as “offices”
March 2017 Henry Jenkins rebranded as “offices” in an attempt to bypass the planning refusal. By an external rebrand as a Real Estate Office, without any attempt to refurbish the (destroyed) interior or add fire and safety requirements, the owner might have been able to claim “change of use’ to a status which allowed demolition without official permission.
To block this possibility, a layer of ‘official protection’ by listing the site as an Asset of Community Value (ACV) was applied for
2017 February 17
ACV nomination refused by HBC
2017 – February
Development proposal refused by Harrogate Borough Council
A unanimous decision by HBC’s Planning Committee February 28th, was made to refuse planning permission for demolition and development of the Henry Jenkins following a planning meeting and objections by over 90 persons.
You can view the minutes of the meeting and the “Reasons for Reusal” at
2016 December 12
‘Save the Henry Jenkins’ campaign applies to HBC for ACV on the `Henry jenkins
2016 – September
Kirkby Malzeard Parish Council supports demolition and development
The Kirkby Malzeard Parish Council (KM PC) took the decision in late 2016 to support the appellant’s planning application, stating “It is the opinion of the Council that it would not be economically feasible for anyone to refurbish and reopen the Henry Jenkins.” This decision was taken without any consultation with residents of the parish.
20216 April 12
First Planning Application – Demolition of the Henry Jenkins and build 4 houses.
Planning permission was applied for the demolition of a public house and outbuildings, and the erection of 4 no. dwellings (site area 0.09 hectares).
Ref. No: 16/01478/FUL | Demolition of public house and outbuildings and erection of 4 dwellings (Site Area 0.09ha).
Application Received: Tue 12 Apr 2016 | Validated: Tue 30 Aug 2016 |
The planning application can be viewed here on the NYC website
2015 – May
Pub owner strips the Pub interior
The Pub owner David Fielder was witnessed and photographed completely stripping the interior of the pub, including the kitchen, bar, dining area, snug and toilets downstairs, and all upstairs rooms; completely removing all living quarters walls, fixtures and fittings, the electrical wiring system and plumbing. What could be destroyed by fire was burned in the car-park; the remainder was removed in a skip.
Photographs of the interio after interior stripping can be seen HERE.
2014 December 17
Mike Hurford, then Chairman of the Parish Council, writes to David Fielder saying thje PC would have ‘No Objection’ to a Planning Application.
The Henry Jenkins Pub is sold to David Fielder
David Fielder took ownership of the Pub from receivers in 2012 for £150 000 plus plus VAT on 90% of the purchase price in the amount of £27,000.
Download pdf of the sale summary
The Henry Jenkins Pub is for sale
The Henry Jenkins Pub is put up for sale by the agents “Edward Symmons” with the brochure stating one feature bieing – “Potential for part/full conversion to
residential use (subject to planning)”.
Download pdf brochure of the sale details in a new page
Henry Jenkins Pub Closes
After a string of poor managers, none of whom appeared interested in developing the trade and keeping the pub open, the Henry Jenkins Inn finally closed, Easter 2011.
We have downloaded the main documents for the application and you can see on our First planning application – 12 April 2016 page.
2004 August 6
New steel staircase to the first floor accommodation
On the 6th August, David & Gillian Wiggle were given permission to erect an outside steel staircase up to the first floor accommodation
2004 May 26
Planning application for erection of an outside staircase
Ref. No: 04/02687/FUL | Erection of external staircase to rear to access first floor residential accommodation.
Application Received: Wed 26 May 2004 | Validated: Wed 26 May 2004 |
The planning application can be viewed here on the NYC website
1992 January 30
Pool Room for the Henry Jenkins
On 30th January, Mr Whitely was granted permission to build a Pool Room to the rear of the toilet block and replace the existing garage.
1992 January 10
Planning application to convert garage to pool room
Ref. No: 92/00055/FUL | Reroofing and converting existing garage to form pool room.
Application Received: Fri 10 Jan 1992 | Validated: Fri 10 Jan 1992 |
The planning application can be viewed here on the NYC website
1990 May
New Toilet block
Mr Whitely was given permission to construct a new toilet block to replace the existing ladies one.
1990 May 21
Planning application for the construction of a new toilet block
Ref. No: 90/01860/FUL | Construction of new toilet block on site of existing gents w.c. and patio.
Application Received: Mon 21 May 1990 | Validated: Mon 21 May 1990 |
The planning application can be viewed here on the NYC website
1982 November 22
Planning application to erect illuminated sign
Ref. No: 82/02874/ADV | Erecting externally illuminated pictorial sign,
Application Received: Mon 22 Nov 1982 | Validated: Mon 22 Nov 1982 |
The planning application can be viewed here on the NYC website
1980 March 4
John Smith (Tadcaster) Permission for hanging illuminated sign on the HJ refused
Bing Crosby leaves money for Playing Fields
John Smiths Brewery own the Henry Jenkins?
On 4th March 1980, John Smiths Brewery had permission for a hanging sign refused by Harrogate Borough Council (HBC) planning department. We have no other information of when John Smiths purchased the Henry Jenkins or for how long they actually owned it.
Gary Hudson purchases the property
Gary Hudson purchases the property from the Kitching family and redevelops it into the pub of today with the space previously occupied by the Joiners Shop space now integrated into the main business, becoming a function room and kitchen. During the period of his ownership, the Gents urinals were moved from the south-eastern corner of the building, and located close to the Ladies toile
The Pub is purchased by the Kitching family
The Pub and grounds is purchased from Theakstons Brewery by the Kitching family. The space previously occupied by the Joiners Shop is now used for pub and general storage. Urinals still where current bottle store is located – verified by Norman Kitching.
John Henry Kitching, takes over the lease with Theakstons
John Henry Kitching, (father of present day Norman Kitching) who ran the Hope Inn in Laverton, takes over the lease with Theakstons. Ex-joiners shop space used as pub and general storage.
Bob Clarkson and his family leave the pub and move to Grewelthorpe
Theakstons Brewery transfers the lease to John Henry Kitching, who moves over from running the Hope Inn in Laverton. The area occupied by the Joiners Shop is now used for general and building storage. During his ownership a separate Ladies toilet was built to the rear of the pub, leaving the interior toilets for the tenants use alone.
Bob Clarkson takes on the lease of the building from Theakstons Brewery
At that time he had a wife and a young daughter (aged 8), now Mrs Barbara Taylor. Mrs Clarkson was installed as landlady as the pub, ably assisted by her husband. In addition, Bob Clarkson conversed a space in the pub to use as a joiners shop where he made furniture and coffins. Mens toilets to the rear of building near to access from Main Street.
Margaret Moore – Landlady
William Moore – Landlord
1881 Census
Thomas Jackson (55), Anne Jackson (56), son John (24), daughter Mary Jane (18), grandson Alfred (3)
1871 Census
George Crabtree (39, Innkeeper/Farmer of 20 acres), wife Maria (37), kids Alfred (14), Charles (12) and Mary (9)
1861 Census
Anthony Bland (35), Mary Bland (29) children Margaret (7), Joseph (4) and William (1), sister-in-law Ellen Dunn (10)
1856 Map
Shows Henry Jenkins Inn, Queens Head, Shoulder of Mutton & Kirkby Malzeard PoorHouse
Dick Turpin (legend)
The Henry Jenkins Pub was established in its original form
The toilets for the Henry Jenkins, as was normal in those days, were exterior to the main building. In fact, the urinals were located at the south-eastern corner of the ‘eastern annexe’ – the location of the gas store when the pub closed in 2011.
Henry Jenkins dies at the remarkable age of 169!
He was interred on 9th December in Bolton-on-Swale, North Yorkshire, where a grand gravestone and inscription marks the spot.
Henry Jenkins is born
This is the date that history states that Henry Jenkins was born.