Associate Membership

After it was discussed at our recent Membership Meeting, it has been decided to launch the Associate Membership Scheme without delay. It is hoped that new supporters might be recruited before the Appeal is heard in Harrogate on the 26th March, anticipating that larger numbers will make a greater impact on the Planning Inspector. The fact that we are also ‘opening up’ to those who support the campaign but are unable, for whatever reason, to buy shares, will also count in our favour.

Please note: This will not replace our ‘full’ membership. Associate members invest no money in the project, though they may wish to volunteer their labour or help in other ways, and therefore cannot vote at Management Meetings, although they will receive the regular HJCP updates by post and email.

And we are still pushing hard to recruit more ‘full’ members and to sell more Community Shares to allow us to achieve the target figure of £230,000.00 we set in the Business Plan.

A new leaflet formally launching the scheme is in preparation now , to be distributed next week and this will have an Associate Membership Form attached. If you know anyone who may be interested, please draw their attention to it. A specific online form will also be placed onto the website

And we already have our first two members, who have completed and returned the forms that were shown ‘as illustrations’ at our recent Membership Meeting.
What a start! We look forward to saying ‘hello!’ to many more interested supporters.