Shares are £250 each. You can buy one or as many as you feel able to. There are two ways of buying your shares: Payment by Bank Transfer and Payment by Cheque. Before you start, please read the conditions for share ownership below.

Payment by Bank Transfer

1 – Click on HJCP SHARE PAYMENT FORM to notify us how many shares you’re buying and notifying us that you’re about to make bank transfer. This also gives us your contact details so we can match them with your share(s) purchase and be ready to enter you on our register of shareholders.

2 – Bank: Barclays
Name: Henry Jenkins Community Pub Ltd
Sort Code: 20-98-98
Account No: 73086623

3 – Make bank transfer for the appropriate amount to Henry Jenkins Community Pub Ltd (details below). Please put as reference your first and last name so we know in whose name the shares should be registered. Please remember to put your first and last name as the reference.

Payment by Cheque

1 – Decide how many shares you want to buy @ £250 each and make out a cheque for the appropriate amount (in multiples of £250).

2 – Print out our HJCP SHARE PAYMENT FORM and send it with your cheque to the address below OR write a covering letter with the following information:

  • Full name
  • Address and Post Code
  • Email address
  • The number of shares you’re buying and the amount payable as per your
  • I have read and understand the Community Share Offer document and the risks identified (Please tick this box)

3 – Send your cheque and completed form or letter to Andy Taylor, HJCP Treasurer, Fraggle Rock, Main Street, Kirkby Malzeard, Ripon HG4 3SD
By buying shares, you accept that your name will be entered into the Register of Members. We will also add you to our eNewsletter database to keep up to date with HJCP matters (please let us know if you do not wish to receive our eNewsletter)


You must agree to purchase one or more shares at £250 per share.
Once you’ve bought your share(s), you become a member of the Henry Jenkins Community Pub Ltd, a Community Benefit Society, registered with the Financial Conduct Authority (Registration Number: RS008058).

  • A share certificate will be sent by email shortly after approval at the relevant Management Committee meeting. (Please let us know if you’d like a paper copy).
  • As a member of the society you’ll have full voting rights, on a one member one vote basis. And, if we succeed in buying the pub, you’ll be part owner and will have a say over management policy. The day to day running of the pub will be placed in the hands of Lease tenants. Those members who have merely pledged funds but have not bought shares will lose the right to vote at general meetings at a future date to be determined by the committee.
  • If we are not successful in buying the pub, your share capital will be returned in full.
  • A record of your membership will be held by our office and will be open to examination only by members and officers of the HJCP Ltd, and anybody legally entitled to do so.
  • Until further notice the interest from shares deposited will go towards campaign expenses (please see FAQs below). If we’re successful in buying the pub, we do not expect to pay interest for several years, as is normal practice for other newly established community-owned pubs. Once we start to generate profits, we may be able to.
  • For more information, please contact us for our Share Offer Document.


How do I know my money will be safe?

  • All share capital will be deposited in a bank account of the Henry Jenkins Community Pub Ltd, a Community Benefit Society regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and updated figures on share capital raised will be published on our website and filed annually with the FCA.
  • All shares will be refunded in full if we don’t buy the pub. The timing for any general shares refund will be decided by our membership in consultation with the committee.

What happens to the interest on money deposited?

For the short to medium term, interest from shares will be used to maintain a Fighting Fund to help put our campaign on a more professional footing. (As pointed out at our public meeting and our January eNewsletter, we have very little money left for day-to-day campaign expenses – some of which have been paid out of the pockets of committee members). Money from the Fighting Fund will be used for a professional revamp of our website, marketing, leaflets, meetings and excursions, membership fees and other expenses. If we’re unable to buy the pub, any money left in the Fighting Fund will be shared with members when shares are refunded.

Will I receive dividends for shares invested?

If we are successful in buying the pub, we may be in a position to pay dividends after a few years’ trading. This is normal practice for newly established community-owned pubs to allow time for them to become established. We may be able to pay dividends and/or donate to local community causes later on when we start generating profits. However, shares should be regarded as an investment in your local community – and an opportunity to be part of a co-operative enterprise – rather than as a money-making venture.

What if I want to withdraw my shares and get a refund?

During the interim period, when we have not purchased the pub, withdrawals can be made provided three months’ notice is given. Once the pub is purchased, no withdrawals can be made for a period of three years and thereafter only at the discretion of the HJCP committee, as per company rules filed with the FCA under section 8.4 to 8.7
Company rules.
This is to ensure that the business is not jeopardised by unexpected withdrawals when there are insufficient funds to cover such withdrawals.