The Appeal by David Fielder’s associate Justin Claybourn against the refusal of his recent planning application was activated on 31st January 2020. As expected, and previously mentioned, a formal Hearing, presided over by an Inspector from the Planning Inspectorate in Bristol, will be held in Harrogate on a date yet to be announced. Comments on the appeal have been invited to arrive no later than the 6th March. The HJCP Ltd urge everyone who has an interest in this situation to forward their opinion to the inspector. Your views are important, will be considered and could make a difference.
The Case reference is: APNNPP 19/00089/NREFPP
Email comments to:
or sent by post to:
The Planning Inspectorate Room 3M
Temple Quay House
2 The Square,
Bristol BS1 6PN
(Please don’t forget to include your name and address and the Case reference)
This section of the website will be constantly updated so please revisit regularly for all the latest information and developments..