We are pleased to report that the Henry Jenkins Community Co-op has been officially recognised by Harrogate Borough Council as a properly constituted body and a prospective bidder. This triggers a six-month moratorium to allow time for a community bid to be prepared for the historic Henry Jenkins pub. During this period the owner is not permitted to sell it to anyone else.
We have also just been notified by the Plunkett Foundation – the charity that distributes Government grants for community buyouts – that we are eligible for fully-funded support.
With their help and advice we are now progressing plans to put together a viable community bid for the purchase and refurbishment of the Henry Jenkins. Our first objective is to build further on our fast-expanding supporter base.
We are working with advisors on a fully-costed Business Plan, setting out how we propose to raise the necessary capital ( we have already had numerous informal pledges to buy community shares).
We have also begun planning for an Information Day in October, when we will be setting out our model for the the core business of a community-owned pub and restaurant with b&b.
We also plan to display an artist’s impression of how a revitalised Henry Jenkins might might look – and a vision of how it could become a vital asset to the area. Representatives from other successful community pubs are being invited to speak and answer questions.
We are also planning to provide refreshments and a variety of food and drink including locally made cakes. We may also have space for displays of local crafts.
Exciting Possibilities
Over the past few months we have learnt a great deal about the achievements of other community-owned pubs and shops – and the more we’ve learnt the more we’ve been inspired by the exciting possibilities for developing the Henry Jenkins as a community hub.
Community pubs are run in a variety of different ways but what they all have in common is that they are owned by local shareholders and all the profits are ploughed back into the community (and not syphoned off by a Pub Co or an absentee landlord). They also offer an opportunity for provision of non-core services often not seen in privately-owned pubs – for example, special provision for elderly residents and young people. Experiences suggests that once established, community pubs are very secure compared to privately owned pubs: There are more than 50 now operating and we haven’t heard of any that have failed.
In the case of the Henry Jenkins, our vision is to provide services that enhance – rather than compete with – existing businesses, helping to boost the local economy through sustainable tourism while at the same time serving local needs and helping to bring people together.
Watch this space for further updates!
Interested in helping out?
We are looking for volunteers to help with plans for the Information Day – and to help out on the day. If you’d like to help out, or if you would like any more information about the Henry Jenkins Community Co-op, please email info@thehenryjenkins.com.
Save the Date! Henry Jenkins Community Co-op Open Day- Date to be set.
* Info on Community Enterprises
* Ideas for how revitalised Henry Jenkins might look
* Speakers from successful Community Pubs
* Refeshments