HJCP Ltd – Annual General Meeting!

The AGM of the HJCP Ltd, delayed because of the pandemic, is now in process, taking place over a number of days ‘virtually’ by email. The formal AGM announcement and reports by the Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary have now been issued to the entire membership.

As our Rules state that, at the conclusion of the first years trading, our committee must resign and be replaced by election, requests for nominations were made by email and a list of those standing are provided in a Voting Form which must be returned by no later than 17.00hrs on the 28th November.

Your vote is very important – please do complete and return!

We also value transparent and open dialogue with our members so please do not hesitate to contact us on HJCPLtd@gmail.com with any questions, queries, comments and opinions. We promise that every submission will receive a reply.

The results of the election and responses to all comments provided will be emailed to all members early in November.