Here is the wording of formal notification of refusal of plans to demolish the Henry Jenkins and redevelop the site with housing. The decision was taken by Harrogate Borough Council’s Planning Committee on Tuesday, February 28th.

APPLICATION TYPE: Full permission APPLICATION NO: 6.24.58.E.FUL 16/01478/FUL PROPOSAL: Demolition of public house and outbuildings and erection of 4 dwellings (Site Area 0.09ha).

LOCATION: The Henry Jenkins Inn Main Street Kirkby Malzeard Ripon North Yorkshire HG4 3RY

I refer to your representations relating to the above application which were taken into account in reaching a decision on the proposal. I write to advise you that it was decided to refuse the application.

Reason(s) for refusal: 1 The proposal would result in the loss of a community facility (public house) thereby reducing the variety of locally based community facilities to the detriment of meeting the present and future social needs and aspirations of this rural community. Furthermore insufficient evidence has been submitted to demonstrate that there is no reasonable prospect of the existing use continuing on a viable basis or a satisfactory viable alternative community use being secured. The proposal is therefore contrary to Local Plan policy CFX and paragraphs 69 and 70 of the NPPF and it is considered that this harm would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits of the modest contribution the application would make to housing supply.

Yours faithfully

Mrs Janet Belton
