A new planning application has  made to the Harrogate Borough Council to convert the recently sold portion  of the Henry Jenkins Inn into a dwelling.
This is identical to the previous planning application (see Second planning application) with no obvious change of circumstance. The HJCC has presented submissions and is currently watching and responding to the situation.

18/03230/FUL | Conversion of part of a public house and flat to create 1 no. dwelling. (resubmission) | Henry Jenkins Inn Main Street Kirkby Malzeard North Yorkshire HG4 3RY

You can view the planning application and all documents on the Council site at –
To 18 November 2018 , there have been 48 letters of objection and 1 supporting letter.

To view all the documents including correspondence emails, submissions, appendixes, objections and supporting statements go to the link above, click on the “Documents” tab at the top of the middle section of the page, then click through “View associated documents”.
If this is not visible, then you will need to register. A “Register”option is given above the document information.

We also downloaded the more important documents to this website and you can view them from the links below.
Click on the link and it will open in a new window.

Planning site notice
This is a pdf copy of the site notice you often see attached to the building to indicate a planning application for that building  – Second planning site notice

Locality Plan
The map of the main street showing the location of the plot within the Henry Jenkins Inn – Second planning location plan

Basic development plan
Simple plan of the development proposal showing the whole Inn and the portion under the application – Plan of Development

Photographs of site showing proposed  proposed development
– 1 – Application building from the front right
– 2 – Application building from the front left
– 3 – Rear of application section
– 4 – Rear of application looking over remainder of Inn



SPA3_planning_application – Planning application form

Photographs are the same as the previous application!! – refer to them

SPA3_land_title – Land registry title showing covenant put on by fielder – Land title showing covenants put on

SPA3_Agents_letter_1_19_4_2018 – First agents letter

SPA3_Agents_letter_2_9_3_2018 – SPA3_Agents_letter_2_9_3_2018

SPA3_Agents_letter_3_6_8_2018 – SPA3_Agents_letter_3_6_8_2018

ACV removal letter
This is a letter from Mark Codman, Scrutiny, Governance and Risk Manager of the Harrogate Borough Council (HBC) informatin Mr Claybourn that the ACV listing on the part of the buidling sold to him.

Planning site notice
This is the formal site notice that has to be displayed in proximity to the Henry Jenkins/

Submission from lawyers for “Henry Jenkins Community Cooperative” (HJCC)  (HBC doc 9240488)
Notice by lawyers “LCF Barber Titleys” on behalf of the HJCC in support of the rejection of this planning application.

Henry Jenkins Community Co-Op submission  (HBC doc 9269900)
Submission by the HJCC objecting to the planning application

Parish Council Comments  (HBC doc 9307032)
The Parish Council met on Tuesday September 4, 2018 to discuss this application and approved the following comments.

Supplementary Planning Statement  (HBC doc 9307032)
This is a very detailed submissions outlining reasons why the Agent and the applicant believe policy CFX should not apply to this application.

Agents Appendix A  (HBC doc 9307270)
A letter from HBC to an unknown (redacted) saying that a CPO is unlikely in the current circumstances.

Agents Appendix B  (HBC doc 9307269)
This is the refusal of a HJCC application to HBC for an ACV nomination for the portion of the Henry Jenkins that was sold and subsequently delisted as an ACV.

Agents Appendix C  (HBC doc 9307267)
A sale document for the Dallowgill church, which is no longer used for worship. It is available currently for community use under policy CFX.

Agents Appendix D  (HBC doc 9307266)
SPA3_Agents_Appendix_D_30_10_2018 – Pictures of cars and parking! File too big to download.

Agents Appendix E  (HBC doc 9307264)
The Kirkby Malzeard Parish Council summary of the planning application discussed at its meeting of  April 30, 2018. The results was neutral on supporting the application.

Agents Appendix F  (HBC doc 9307262)
Minutes from Parish council meeting discussing ACV for Queens.

Agents Appendix G  (HBC doc 9307261)

Further response from the Parish Council  (September 4, 2018) regarding the planning proposal.

Agents Appendix H   (HBC doc 9309388)
SPA3_Agents_Appendix_H_30_10_2018 – This document is too large to upload to the website. It is a directroy of loacl business and the list can be seen at the following website address –

Agents Appendix I – There is no appendix I.

Agents Appendix J   (HBC doc 9309388)
This is a detailed  letter from Justin Claybourn on various points about his purchase.

Agents Appendix J ( appendices) –  (HBC doc 9307259)

Agents Appendix K   (HBC doc 9307258)
This is about the restrictive covenant and inability to market as a Pub.

Agents Appendix L  (HBC doc 9307256)
Copy of the original Parish Council approval for the original planning application of the whole for the Henry Jenkins.


SPA3_Agents_Appendix_5_Redacted_30_10_2018 -Too large – download separately

SPA3_Planner_letter__5_9_11_2018 – SPA3_Planner_letter__5_30_10_2018

SPA3_Agents_letter_12_30_11_2018 – SPA3_Agents_letter_12_30_11_2018

SPA3_Planner_letter_5_12_11_2018 – SPA3_Planner_letter_5_12_11_2018

SPA3_Planner_letter_6_14_11_2018 – SPA3_Planner_letter_6_14_11_2018