An application by Justin Claybourn, owner of the left wing and car park section of the Henry Jenkins has had his second planning application for conversion to a house refused by the planning department of Harrogate Borough council.
The refusal was mainly due to it being a community facility in the past and could be in the future.
A summary of the decision is below, or you can download a 20 page (pdf) detailed report on the application and the refusal Details Second planning refusal annex.
LOCATION: Henry Jenkins Inn Main Street Kirkby Malzeard North Yorkshire HG4
PROPOSAL: Conversion of part of a public house and flat to create 1 no. dwelling.
APPLICANT: Mr Justin Goodworth Claybourn
That the application be REFUSED. Reason(s) for refusal:-
1 The proposal would result in the loss of premises last used as a community facility (public house) thereby reducing the variety of locally based community facilities to the detriment of meeting the current and future social needs of this rural community.
No evidence has been submitted to demonstrate that the existing or alternative community use would cause unacceptable planning problems, that a satisfactory replacement facility is provided, or that there is no reasonable prospect of the use continuing on a viable basis or of a satisfactory alternative community use being secured.
The proposal is therefore contrary to the provisions of Local Plan policy CFX. In addition, the proposal is in conflict with paragraph 92 of the National Planning Policy Framework as the scheme would not guard against the loss of valued facilities and services. This adverse impact would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits of providing one new dwelling.