Third planning application submissions now closed

Third planning application

The third planning application since the Pub was bought by David Fielder has now closed for submissions.

The planning application is almost identical to the second application in April (which was refused) and is for planning permission for residence in the left hand section of the Henry Jenkins that has been cut off and sold by David Fielder.

David also strangely left a bit of land across the entrance to the car park and a strip of land across the back with the title of the remaining Henry Jenkins so that there is no access to the land without the permission of the owner of the remaining land. He has also put a covenant on the land sold that it is not able to be used as a Pub.

Submission to the planning application state that this is to stop any competition for a Pub being put there in the future. A bit strange considering that David Fielder has been campaigning constantly that having two Pubs in the village is not viable.

Covenants can be removed in the future if the Community purchases the Pub, so not too much of a hindrance, but selling a piece of land without access and covenants on it that are directly related to the Henry Jenkins is a bit irregular to say the least.

The Henry Jenkins Community Cooperative (HJCC) and members and general public have made submissions.

There have been over 50 letters of objection and 1 supporting letter.

Since there has been very little change in this application from the last one, (pictures and plans identical) we are optimistic that the application will be reflected again, although we wait patiently for the outcome.

You can read much of the documentation on the third application on our page as well as a link to the Harrogate Borough Shire site where all the document have been published.

The outline of the land David Fielder sold to Justin Claybourn. Note the strange pieces of land across the front and back restricting access to the land.