An ACV is an “Asset of Community Value” and is land or property of importance to a local community which is subject to additional protection from development under the Localism Act 2011.

This not only protects the asset from permitted development change of use (Pubs can be changed to shop or office without planning approval) but it gives the local community first choice when the Pub is for sale and 6 months to get the money together to pay for it.

There are mow over 1200 pubs that have been accepted as ACV’s in UK.

At this stage the Henry Jenkins has not been listed, but we have sent a application to the Harrogate Borough Council to list it and we believe it has strong grounds to do so.

Asset of Community Nomination Form – Download WORD document

Asset of Community Value application for The Henry Jenkins Pub - click to download document
Asset of Community Value application for The Henry Jenkins Pub – click to download document



Community Groups that used the Henry Jenkins  – Download WORD document

Community ~Groups that used to use The Henry Jenkins appendix - Click to download
Community ~Groups that used to use The Henry Jenkins appendix – Click to download