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Planning officers recommend refusal of Henry Jenkins demolition plans

Harrogate Borough Council’s Senior Planner, Mrs Janet Belton, has recommended that plans for the demolition of the Henry Jenkins should be refused.

This is obviously encouraging news – but the battle is not over as councillors do not have to follow this recommendation and could still approve the plans!

In her report to the Planning Committee – which will decide on the issue next Tuesday – she says: “The proposal would result in the loss of a community facility (public house) thereby reducing the variety of locally based community facilities to the detriment of meeting present and future social needs and aspirations of this rural community.”

She adds: “Furthermore insufficient evidence has been submitted to demonstrate that there is no reasonable prospect of the existing use continuing on a viable basis – or a satisfactory viable alternative community use being secured.”

She says the plans, which would involve the demolition of the pub and redevelopment of the site with four new houses, would therefore conflict with Local Plan policy CFX and the Government’s National Planning Policy Framework.

She adds that any benefits from the modest contribution that provision of four houses would make to housing supply are outweighed by the harm from the permanent loss of a community facility.

Credit is due to everyone who has made their voice heard in opposing this application. Mrs Belton’s report acknowledges that a total 79 individual letters of objection have been received (and more objections are still coming in).

    It also summarises the arguments made by objectors including:

  • Permanent loss of a public house as a community facility
  • Loss of the historic pub building in the centre of the village, contributing to the street scene/ distinctiveness
  • The building has been deliberately run down, with the interior stripped out and the fabric damaged
  • The pub has not been actively marketed and offers to buy it have been turned down
  • The pub makes an important contribution to the sustainability, community, economy and vitality of the village

The campaign save the Henry Jenkins has also received support from CAMRA, which is leading efforts nationally to save village pubs.
A representative of the Harrogate & Ripon branch of CAMRA, Allan Gauld, has praised the campaign to save the Henry Jenkins, saying it has prompted far more objections than any other campaign in recent years.

Mr Gauld, who has many years’ experience helping to save local pubs, supports the view that the Henry Jenkins could be successful again as a pub/ restaurant if money was invested in refurbishment and it was managed in the right way. He also says there is no reason why Kirkby Malzeard should not support two pubs – provided they are not both offering the same thing. “It’s not like a bakery or a bookshop – a pub is not just a shop that sells beer. It’s the whole quality of the experience that counts. The village won’t support two identical pubs, but two complementary pubs can quite easily be supported – the experience of other villages with two or more pubs has shown that.”

The decision by planning officers to recommend refusal follows a setback earlier this week when Harrogate Borough council announced that the nomination of the Henry Jenkins as an Asset of Community Value had been unsuccessful.

This is very disappointing but plans are already being drawn up to make a second nomination: there are concerns that Harrogate Council may not have followed the correct procedures. Research has also revealed clear that Harrogate’s record for approving ACV applications is far worse than that of any other council in Yorkshire – and amongst the worst in the whole country. Overall only 30% of ACV applications have been approved by Harrogate Borough Council. In neighbouring Richmondshire 100% of applications have been approved.

The full report to the Planning Committee can be seen here (scroll down to p34)

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Michelin Two Star Chef who wanted to buy Henry Jenkins was told: It’s not for sale!

It’s been revealed that a top chef – interested in buying and refurbishing the Henry Jenkins as an upmarket pub and restaurant – was sent away and told: “It’s sold.”

Information has come to light that a chef with 12 years’ experience at a renowned Michelin Two Star restaurant in West Yorkshire made several visits to Kirkby Malzeard in late 2014/ early 2015 with a view to buying the Henry Jenkins.

He says in an email to Harrogate Borough Council’s Planning Department: “About two years ago my wife and I were looking for a pub to invest in and we heard about the Henry Jenkins in Kirkby Malzeard through a friend who lives in the village.

“We drove up… several times to see it and we were very keen. Kirkby Malzeard is a beautiful village and the Henry Jenkins seemed ideal – it could have been an amazing place. You’re never going to make millions but it would be the perfect place for a couple to take on – and there are so many locals that you would be able to get on your side. We were planning to split it so that I did the food while my wife did front of house.”

However when the couple rang the number on the “for sale” sign outside the pub, they were told: “It’s sold.” The chef said: “We asked what the bid was because we thought we might be able to top it – but were just told they couldn’t say any more because it was sold.

“As it appeared the pub was still for sale we tried again … but were again told it was sold. We must have tried to ring about six times altogether and we got through twice … in the end we gave up.”

Instead the couple turned their attention to a pub in West Yorkshire, which has since been transformed into superbly-appointed village pub and restaurant with accommodation.

This is the third credible prospective buyer interested in the Henry Jenkins to have submitted evidence of how they have been rebuffed by the present owner. A couple with experience of running successful pubs in North Yorkshire had been interested in the Henry Jenkins when it was advertised for less than £150,000 in 2011 but had been unable to proceed at that stage. Then after noticing the “for sale” sign put outside the Henry Jenkins by the present owner in 2012 they rang the number. In an email which has been passed on to Harrogate Borough Council they state: “We were told we could purchase the property at the sale price of £350,000 which was totally overpriced – so presumed the owner really didn’t want to sell the property at all.”

Then in 2014 the owner of a successful North Yorkshire restaurant, who has also owned and run a wine bar and coffee shop, phoned up to inquire. She says in a letter to the council: “We offered the … asking price as it was advertised and valued on the internet.

“He laughed and in no uncertain terms told us he would rather hold on to it. After having thought about it further and spoken to my partner I phoned him back later the same day and offered him substantially above the asking price … but this offer was also refused. It was obvious he was not going to sell it no matter what I offered.”

Under Harrogate Borough Council’s “Policy CFX” proposals involving the loss of land or premises in community use – including public houses – will not be permitted unless it can be shown “there is no reasonable prospect of the existing use continuing on a viable basis with all options for continuance having been fully explored.” To do this, the applicant must provide evidence “covering the results of reasonable attempts to actively market the land or premises for sale or lease at a value and description which reflects its existing community use.”

Michelin Two Star Chef who wanted to buy Henry Jenkins was told: It’s not for sale! Read More »

Momentum builds in Campaign to Save Henry Jenkins

Momentum is building in the campaign to stop plans for the demolition of the historic Henry Jenkins.

 More than 80 people have lodged objections with Harrogate Borough Council
 The council has repeatedly delayed a decision because of lack of evidence over efforts to sell it as a pub
 Interest has been expressed by prospective buyers considering refurbishing the Henry Jenkins as a pub/restaurant with b&b
 The pub has been officially nominated as an Asset of Community Value – which could help a possible community buy-out

Over the next week leaflets are being distributed to households in Kirkby Malzeard, Laverton and Dallowgill to keep residents abreast of developments. The leaflets set out the case for rejuvenating the Henry Jenkins as a private business – offering all-day food, b&b etc – or as a multi-purpose community-owned facility. Initial inspection suggests the building is structurally sound – and the fact that fixtures and fittings have been stripped out may in some ways simplify the process of refurbishment. The degraded state of the building – with rainwater still entering through a hole in the roof – would be reflected in its future market value as a pub.

The present owner, who has been responsible for the deteriorating state of the Henry Jenkins over the past four years, is now claiming it is no longer viable as a pub. However credible prospective buyers have stated in writing that they were fobbed off. And two people in the catering industry with experience of running pubs and restaurants – including a former tenant at the Henry Jenkins – have indicated they would still be interested in buying the Henry Jenkins if it was offered at a realistic price that reflected its current condition.

If private buyers decide not to follow through another option being carefully studied is a community buy-out and refurbishment of the Henry Jenkins as a multi-purpose community facility. Millions of pounds in Government funding is available to help rescue pubs as community-owned assets – and a decision is expected soon on whether to approve the nomination of the Henry Jenkins as an Asset of Community Value.

If the Henry Jenkins was revitalised as Community Facility it could be much more than a pub with b&b – it could house under one roof other much-needed services like a sub-post office, or an outlet for local crafts or a bakery or a library. This would help to put the village on the map as a tourist destination and should benefit other businesses – and it would not be replicating what’s on offer at the Queens.

STOP PRESS: Harrogate Borough Council have confirmed that a final decision on whether to approve plans to demolish the Henry Jenkins and redevelop the site for housing will now be made on February 28th.

It’s not too late to object! To register your comment click here (you will need to register your email address)

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Henry Jenkins put forward as “Asset of Community Value”

The Henry Jenkins has this week been put forward as an “Asset of Community Value.” If accepted, this would prevent the owner from selling it until community groups have been given the chance to put together a bid.

If Harrogate Borough Council decide the criteria have been met, they will list the Henry Jenkins as an Asset of Community Value (ACV) within eight weeks. Once a pub is listed, the owner must respect an “interim moratorium” period to allow community groups to register an interest as potential bidders. If an interest is registered, a “full moratorium” is granted – preventing the pub from being sold for a further six months. This gives time for local people to look in detail at the practicalities/ feasibility of making an offer to buy the pub as a community.

A formal ACV nomination, supported by the required 21 people from the parish, was submitted to the council on Monday. The full text of the nomination can be obtained here.

It notes that like many other villages in rural areas, Kirkby Malzeard it has suffered from a gradual loss of amenities – while at the same time its population has expanded.

It asserts:

  • That the Henry Jenkins has been vital to the social fabric of the village for centuries.
  • That its closure has been compounded by the loss of the Drovers Inn (the last remaining pub in Dallowgill/ Laverton), the sub post office, Roselea Tearooms and Cowscot House bed & breakfast.
  • That despite the continuing success of the Queens Head (an important asset in its own right) , the closure of the Henry Jenkins has restricted opportunities for people to go out, mix and socialise. This in turn has made it more difficult to keep clubs and societies going.
  • That prospective buyers with a genuine interest in revitalising the Henry Jenkins as a pub/ restaurant have been turned away.
  • That a revitalised Henry Jenkins could still be viable – either as a private commercial business or as a community venture. This could bring back some of the other lost community facilities – eg a post office or tea room – under one roof.

It lists 28 community groups and organisations who made use of the Henry Jenkins before it was closed in 2012.

Among them are:

Kirkby Malzeard Folk Club
Until the Henry Jenkins’ closure, the folk club used to meet in the restaurant area on the first Monday of every month, attracting 15-20 musicians and singers from Kirkby Malzeard and surrounding villages.

The Henry Jenkins Pub Quiz
This used to be held every Tuesday night and regularly attracted 30-50 players, with teams sitting at tables across both the public and lounge bars.

Kirkby Malzeard Players
Between 20 and 30 members of the cast and production team would meet for drinks/ socialising in the Henry Jenkins after rehearsals and performances of the Christmas Pantomime from October- March. Also after rehearsals/ performances of occasional plays staged during early summer.

St Andrew’s Church Sunday School
Between 8 and 9 committee members held meetings in Henry Jenkins once a month to organise rotas and events. Once a year they also attended a sandwich lunch before the annual trip to Christmas pantomime in York.

Friends of Kirkby Malzeard School
Met at the Henry Jenkins ten times a years to organise fund-raising activities. Over the years the group has raised many thousands of pounds to supplement the school’s income.

Kirkby Malzeard Snooker and Billiard Club
Every Tuesday evening (snooker) and Wednesday evening (billiards) up to 20 players from the home and away teams used to meet in the Henry Jenkins after matches at the Mechanics.

Highside Longsword Dancers
The Highside Longsword Dancers, originators of the internationally famous “Kirkby Malzeard Longsword Dance” performed their first-ever dance outside the Henry Jenkins in 1987. From then onwards they performed inside and outside the pub every Boxing Day until the pub was closed in 2012.

Highside Singers
A small party from choir of around 30 used to meet in the Henry Jenkins after rehearsals

Kirkby Malzeard Cricket Club
Home and away teams met up for drinks and supper at the Henry Jenkins and the Queens Head after alternate home match fixtures.

Kirkby Malzeard Method Chapel Lunch Club
A small group of women living alone used to meet up most Sundays for Sunday lunch

St Andrews Church Sunday School Meetings
held once a month in Henry Jenkins to organise rotas and events

St Andrews Church Bellringers
Met in the Henry Jenkins every Thursday after bell-ringing practice.

Kirkby Malzeard Parochial Church Council
Used to meet in the Mechanics, then retire to the Henry Jenkins for drinks/ socialising

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More than 50 objections lodged against Planning Application

More than 50 people have so far lodged formal objections to plans for the demolition of the Henry Jenkins and redevelopment of the site with housing.

To help raise public awareness, volunteers have this week begun distributing leaflets to hundreds of households in and around Kirkby Malzeard, Laverton and Dallowgill. Residents are being urged to register their comments before the demolition application goes to Harrogate Borough council’s Planning Committee.

Those who have objected so far highlight the fact that the pub has been allowed to deteriorate by the present owner – and doubts about whether he had any intention of selling it as a pub. There is also now indisputable evidence that at least two prospective buyers with genuine plans to invest in the revitalisation of the Henry Jenkins have been put off. In one case an offer that was substantially above the advertised asking price was still refused.

Those wishing to object can do so online by visiting Click on “Find a Planning Application,” then the red “Public Access” button. Enter “Henry Jenkins” in the search box. Click on the planning application and then “Comments.” You will need to register your address and email.

Alternatively you can send an email, giving your full name, address and postcode, to Or you can write to Planning Department, Harrogate Borough Council, Crescent Gardens, Harrogate, HG1 2SG.

You can also sign the petition on display in the Butchers Shop, Kirkby Motors and the village shop.

Here is a selection of some of the objectors’ comments made so far:

“With us being an AONB, I believe the appearance of the Main Street should be kept as it is and that the Henry Jenkins should be used for the community and not for personal gain.”

“The Henry Jenkins is one of the oldest buildings in the village and part of its cultural and historical heritage. Without it the village will be poorer.”

“This building, of great significance for years to the residents of Kirkby Malzeard, has been deliberately deteriorated for the purposes of profit with no consideration of its worth to the village.”

“This development would mean the permanent loss of a community amenity in the centre of the village. The pub was once run successfully but the current owner appears to have decided to run it down”

“The potential options for use of the pub for community use, potential village income from tourists and generally encourage the community are great and have not been fully explored.”

“We cannot permit a precedent to be set within this AONB to allow the decline of a historically valued building, purely for the financial gain it may proffer once demolished.”

“There has been a lot of interest in retaining the existing building for public use. However this appears to be constantly rejected for short term gain and long term loss of an important village resource.”

“The Henry Jenkins was, and could be again, a great asset to the village. As a mother of young children, I’d love to see it brought back into use as a family pub.”

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Decision on demolition delayed again

A decision on whether to allow plans to demolish the Henry Jenkins is to be delayed further – because of a lack of information on efforts made to sell it as a pub.

Harrogate Borough Council have confirmed that they are still waiting for a response to a request for information on how the pub was advertised and marketed. Because of the delay the application cannot be prepared in time for the Planning Committee on November 3rd. The next scheduled meeting of the Committee is Tuesday, November 22nd.

In the meantime opposition has been growing in the village to the plan, which would allow the demolition of the centuries-old Henry Jenkins building and redevelopment of the site with new housing.

The number of people who have registered objections online has now risen to 45 – and signatures are being collected for a public petition to “Save the Henry Jenkins.”

* Copies of the petition are available to sign at local shops. Those wishing to object online can do so via HBC’s website –

Click on the red “Public Access” button, then enter “Henry Jenkins” in the search field. If you are not registered you will need to do so. Alternatively, you can email or write a letter to Planning Department, Harrogate Borough Council, Crescent Gardens, Harrogate, HG1 2SG

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Petition Launched

A petition has been launched calling on Harrogate Borough Council’s planning committee to refuse permission for the demolition of the historic Henry Jenkins building.

Volunteers have begun collecting signatures and Tim at Highside Butchers has agreed to display the petition at his shop. Anyone signing the petition is also being encouraged to make a separate individual objection saying why they’re against the plan.
Comments can be made via HBC’s website –
Click on the red “Public Access” button, then enter “Henry Jenkins” in the search field. If you are not registered you will need to do so. Alternatively, you can email or write a letter to Planning Department, Harrogate Borough Council, Crescent Gardens, Harrogate, HG1 2SG

Petition Launched Read More »

Objections still able to be lodged

Good News: Harrogate Borough Council planning officers have confirmed that the planning application for demolition of the Henry Jenkins will not now be heard on Tuesday, October 25th, as originally planned. The earliest possible date for a decision is now Thursday, November 3rd.

This leaves more time for representations from people in the village: It has been confirmed that comments made after the original deadline of Friday, October 14th, will now be considered. Comments can be made via HBC’s website Click on the red “Public Access” button, then enter “Henry Jenkins” in the search field. If you are not registered you will need to do so. Alternatively, you can send comments by email to:

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Planning now by committee, not planning officers

Following renewed interest in this matter and lobbying of Council representative by Richard Sadler, this matter will now be decided by the planning committee and not by planning officers under delegated powers.
This means it is being taken more seriously. Well done!
Currently the decision on the development application is to be made on 25th October or it may be delayed until 3 November.

Planning now by committee, not planning officers Read More »

Objections to Henry Jenkins Development

* A total of 30 objections to plans for the demolition of the Henry Jenkins have been registered on Harrogate Borough Council’s web site … in the space of two days! This does not include additional letters of objection sent by email. There are no comments in support of the application.

* Richard Sadler is now collecting names for the nomination of the Henry Jenkins as an Asset of Community Value. Once a nomination application is received,  Harrogate Borough Council is legally obliged to consider it.

* Harrogate Borough Council is yet to confirm when this application will be considered by the Planning Committee… we will keep you posted.

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