Object to the new Henry Jenkins planning application NOW!

The NEW final date for objections is 3rd November 2023

A successful Planning Application will put our fantastic award from the Levelling Up Fund in danger!
If we can’t spend it on the Henry Jenkins we will lose it altogether!

And this Application would not leave enough space on the site for a pub.


The Planning Application Reference is: ZC23/03121/FUL

Go directly to the North Yorkshire Council website page and see the application and register your objection.

A qr code on a white background

Description automatically generated
Or scan this QR Code to go direct to the planning application.

Have a quick view of the application to convert the outbuildings to a cottage on this website.

We have a page of information to help you make your objection.

If you are having trouble registering your objection on the North Yorkshire Council website then you can also simply send an email using this email address – dmst.har@northyorks.gov.uk with the following at the top of the email –
“Objection to ZC23/03121/FUL Henry Jenkins Planning Application”