
AGM Report – Packed Village Hall meeting demands Compulsory Purchase of Henry Jenkins pub

More than 100 villagers packed into Kirkby Malzeard village hall last night to press North Yorkshire Council to proceed with a Compulsory Purchase Order to secure the Henry Jenkins pub for the community.

Residents queued outside to get in and there was standing room only in the hall for what was billed as a “make or break” meeting to save the pub from redevelopment. The meeting was organised by the Henry Jenkins Community Pub group, which been campaigning for eight years to save the 250- year-old pub from redevelopment with housing.

The group’s chair, Richard Sadler, said the main aim was to get a show of public support to demonstrate that the village still backs plans for a community buyout – so that the pub can be repaired and refurbished as a pub, bistro and coffee shop.

“We’re delighted to have had such a great turnout – and the feeling in the room was overwhelming supportive of what we’re trying to achieve. People are fed up that this once-thriving pub right in the middle of the village has been allowed to fall into such a disgraceful state.

“As we reported to the meeting last night, North Yorkshire Council have finally said they will consider making a compulsory purchase 1 – which would require an independent valuation – to break the stalemate. We will now be submitting a formal request to the council to begin compulsory purchase proceedings as a matter of urgency.”

So far more than 150 residents have signed a paper petition calling on the council to make a compulsory purchase “as a matter of urgency” and a further 550 have signed an online petition. Among speakers at the meeting were Paul Ainsworth, a member of CAMRA’s pub campaigns committee, who said the Henry Jenkins campaign deserved to succeed and he saw no reason why it should not be viable as community-owned pub. He said interest in community-owned pubs had soared in recent years with a total of 204 now up and running and further 100 community pub groups trying to buy their local pub. The meeting was also addressed by Martin Booth from Yorkshire’s oldest community-owned pub group, the George and Dragon, at Hudswell, near Richmond, who said the revival of the pub had brought the community together and helped with provision of a wide range of local services. Representatives from three other Yorkshire community

pub groups attended as well as North Yorkshire Council’s local ward councillor, Felicity Cunliffe-Lister.

The Henry Jenkins group’s treasurer, Andy Taylor, reported that the process had just begun of asking villagers to redeem pledges to buy community shares. He said a total of £66,750 had already been raised. When this was combined with £330,000 promised Government funding it meant the group was already in a position to buy the Henry Jenkins and begin repair and refurbishment – provided it was bought at price which reflected the pub’s value in its present dilapidated condition. However, more money would be needed to finance the complete refurbishment and other expenses in accordance with the group’s business plan. He asked everyone who had pledged money to redeem pledges as soon as practicable. Residents who have recently moved to the village were also invited to buy shares.

In total eight purchase offers to buy all or part of the pub have been put the owner, David Fielder.

These have all been rejected by Mr Fielder, who was present at last night’s meeting. The group said it was still seeking a meeting with Mr Fielder to see if an agreement could be reached without the need for a compulsory purchase.

AGM Report – Packed Village Hall meeting demands Compulsory Purchase of Henry Jenkins pub Read More »

BBC Podcast – The story of a local community owned Pub near Richmond, North Yorks.

This is a Podcast about the George and Dragon Pub, Hudswell, just 2 miles from Richomd, and how it was saved by being bought by the local community.

This is an interview of one of the members of the commmunity Pub and tells the story of how the Pub was purcahsed by the local community, and how it developed into a community charity that also now rents out three cottages for affordable housing in the village, as well as running a shop, library and bee hives.

It is a great story, and shows how a small village can help its community by taking over the Pub and other local facilities.

The story relates directly to the Henry Jenkins and what possibilities exist for the community by it becoming a community owned Pub.


BBC Podcast – The story of a local community owned Pub near Richmond, North Yorks. Read More »

Henry Jenkins Community Pub – Annual General Meeting 2024

PLEASE NOTE – Important Annual General Meeting!

Public Meeting and AGM
Henry Jenkins Community Pub
Monday 18th November 2024
Mechanics Institue, Main Street, Kirkby Malzeard.

This is an important General Meeting for the Henry Jenkins Pub.
We have some News to share.
There has been an important development!

Please come and give your support for the future of the Henry Jenkins for the community.

Henry Jenkins Community Pub – Annual General Meeting 2024 Read More »

North Yorkshire Council rejects planning application for holiday cottage!

In a 3-1 vote by Councillors (Chairman abstaining) the recent application to develop a holiday cottage from the old building on the land of the Henry Jenkins Pub was refused.

Many thanks to all the supporters who objected and helped show the Councilors the local support for development of the Henry Jenkins as a community Pub.

The Skipton & Ripon planning committee heard from Richard (Sadler) and Jane (Aksut) as representatives for the Henry Jenkins Community Pub group who argued that the development of the cottage would make it un-viable to run the Pub, particularly since the car park would be taken away. They also noted that delivery of beer would not be possible. An important component of a viable pub!

David Fielder, the owner of the land, retaliated by arguing that the piggery had not been part of the Pub and it should be allowed to be developed as a cottage.

There was discussion about the merits of developing the cottage and countered by talk on the effect it would have on the possible future Pub opening and the final decision was made after much discussion.

The actual reason for refusal was –
“It is considered that the loss of the application site would cause demonstrable harm to the prospect of the Henry Jenkins site continuing as a community facility and therefore approval would be contrary to Policy HP8: Protection and Enhancement of Community Facilities in that there would be no reasonable prospect of the facility being used viably.”

At this stage it is not known if the applicant will submit another application or take this to appeal.

The Henry Jenkins Community Pub group is still hoping to continue negotiations with the owner for purchase of the Pub as a whole to bring it back to community use.

North Yorkshire Council rejects planning application for holiday cottage! Read More »

Crown Inn Grewelthorpe accepts offer from private buyer and not community group

“Friends of The Crown” announced that Admiral Taverns have accepted an offer for The Crown Inn from a private bidder and not the offer made by the community association.

The bidder has informed Admiral it intends to reopen the pub shortly after completion of the sale.

The Friends Of The Crown will pause their efforts but will not stop altogether until the completion of the sale has been confirmed. They feel the work of the last few months has not been wasted in that, should this situation arise again in the future, they now have the knowledge and experience to react quickly.

This does show the severe limitations of the ACV (Asset of Community Value) in that the owner of the Pub that has an ACV can simply wait to the end of the period the community group is allowed to make an offer and then put it on the open market. 

The Friends Of The Crown is a company limited by guarantee and run by six directors who are local to Grewelthorpe.

For more information see – https://fotc.org.uk/

Crown Inn Grewelthorpe accepts offer from private buyer and not community group Read More »

Object to the new Henry Jenkins planning application NOW!

The NEW final date for objections is 3rd November 2023

A successful Planning Application will put our fantastic award from the Levelling Up Fund in danger!
If we can’t spend it on the Henry Jenkins we will lose it altogether!

And this Application would not leave enough space on the site for a pub.


The Planning Application Reference is: ZC23/03121/FUL

Go directly to the North Yorkshire Council website page and see the application and register your objection.

A qr code on a white background

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Or scan this QR Code to go direct to the planning application.

Have a quick view of the application to convert the outbuildings to a cottage on this website.

We have a page of information to help you make your objection.

If you are having trouble registering your objection on the North Yorkshire Council website then you can also simply send an email using this email address – dmst.har@northyorks.gov.uk with the following at the top of the email –
“Objection to ZC23/03121/FUL Henry Jenkins Planning Application”

Object to the new Henry Jenkins planning application NOW! Read More »


3rd Nov 2023 – New Final Submission Date for Objections Confirmed

After some confusion as to the final submission dates, HBC (now NYC) have confirmed that it is now set as 3rd November 2023.

HJCP sent a number of questions to the Council about the delay in posting up the Green Notices by the building; why planning tracking requests were not activated and why neighbours were not contacted – all reasons why confusion reigned as to the final submission date for objections on the website.

The council responded by stating that the date interested residents should take note of is the one on the Green Notices – 3rd November.

At the time of writing, on the Planning Portal, there are 74 letters of objection set against 2 in support.

This extension now allows us to push on and increase our total. This will indicate, to the council, the strength of local public opinion. 

So, if you have not forwarded your objection yet – please do so now!

The reference is: ZC23/03121/FUL

Follow this link : https://uniformonline.harrogate.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?keyVal=RZSC2WHYGWB00&activeTab=summary

or scan the QR code below

A qr code on a white background

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A few Points to consider (but best to use your own words)

  • This is part of long-term strategy by the owner (Mr Fielder) and his business associate (Mr Claybourn) to divide the pub and sabotage plans for a community buyout
  • If this application were granted, it’s hard to see how the Jenks could function again as a pub with a large part of the beer garden/ car park taken up as a holiday cottage. 

If this application were granted, it would be impossible for staff, customers or delivery vehicles to access the rear of the building. 

Rejuvenation of the Jenks as a community-owned pub would provide a greater choice of facilities in this fast expanding village and help other local business – eg  shops, b&bs, camp sites etc 

  • A community-owned Henry Jenkins pub, bistro and coffee shop would help attract sustainable tourism from walkers and cyclists. It is part of wider plans being discussed for the economic regeneration of rural areas around Ripon
  • A community-owned Henry Jenkins could support youth initiatives, help combat rural isolation and help build community spirit


2023 Annual General Meeting for the Henry Jenkins Community Pub – Report out now

Out now is a report from the important 2023 HJCP AGM.
Discussed was; The LevellingUp grant of £330,000, Quiet year with little financial activity and most activity countering planning applications, Guest speaker was Carol Wilkinson, from the Travellers Rest pub, Skeeby discussing finally purchasing their Pub after initiating the Compulsory Purchase Order process, Inspirational speeches from Jane Aksut & Richard Hughes, Committee resigns and election of a new committee.

Read the full report here

2023 Annual General Meeting for the Henry Jenkins Community Pub – Report out now Read More »

Parish leaflet

A new Henry Jenkins Information leaflet will be posted through every letterbox in our entire Parish this weekend.

In briefly outlines the aims and aspirations of our campaign to date, how our CBS is properly constituted and includes an invitation and information of how to join us by purchasing community shares.

The is a section explaining the ethos behind the “Community Pub’; why there are so many of them now and how they can succeed so strongly when other, driven-for-profit, owned-by-large-pub-companies, cannot.

A separate section also outlines the importance of objecting to the latest Planning Application which is designed to remove any vestige of hope in saving our precious local.
Our Henry Jenkins is not just any old pub – it is an ancient jewel which has served our community for over 250 years and with your help, and our ambition, will do so for another 250.

We can only scratch the surface of so many areas with one printed leaflet but we have done our best. If you know of anyone who does not have a leaflet, please get them one – either a copy of your own, or let us know and we will provide. And we can provide instant information and feedback by email on HJCPLtd@gmail or by phone 07860 396170.

Spread the news! We need a choice of pubs in our lovely village.

Parish leaflet Read More »

Congratulations! Black Lion, Skelton-on-Ure

The HJCP Ltd would like to send warmest congratulations to Johnathon Mosley & Richard Wall and the amazing team of people at the Black Lion pub, Skelton who have also just won funding from the government’s Levelling-up fund. We look forward to being some of the first people to enjoy a good beer in great company from what will be a great and prosperous community pub! For further information to invest in community shares (!) – visit https://www.skeltonblacklion.com

Congratulations! Black Lion, Skelton-on-Ure Read More »